Вижте филм от атмосферата в една група за игра организирана от тях и еко играчките, с които се забавляват.
В своя сайт http://www.unpluggedonarug.com/greatgreenplaydate.html
те заявяват:
We believe:
- childhood is a state of mind, and play is the "work"of childhood.
- playthings should offer many possibilities to tinker.
- play is never the same- even if we play with the same stuff.
- we learn life's "big lessons" little by little as we play.
- reducing, reusing and recycling our resources = creative and innovative play.
- music moves us, connects us and inspires us long before we know words. it is the beginning of communication and community.
- the Earth is our play partner.
- giving back makes us good play partners.
- be present, "unplug."
- every one can change the world. the "world" begins at home.